Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Questions About Dubai Travel Living

Donna asks…

where can i get phytoshape from? I live in dubai and cannot find it anywhere. I am willing to travel to find?

i lost a lot of weight using it for two months but have ballooned since i stopped it. But i had no side effects and it really helped my confidence.

admin answers:

Tanja I'm not trying to be nasty, but where you got the stuff U used before. Try them.

Maria asks…

i am an indian working in dubai what do i need to travel to usa?

I am an indian in dubai I want to relocate to USA get good job and live there permanently what do i need to travel to USA?

admin answers:


Information - immigration:

You need a visit visa:

US Embassy in Dubai: here you have to check out, if they acept third party's applycation.


Look in Gulf News/Appointments or online for Job offers in USA. Your chances depent very much of your occupation.
The a.m. Links should help you out.

Good luck!

Helen asks…

How safe is dubai right now?

With all the Egypt rioting spreading, how safe would it be for me to travel to dubai.
I am staying with my aunt and uncle who have been living in dubai for 2 years.

admin answers:

Dubai is one of the richest places in the world. You're pretty safe, so long as you don't upset anyone with money (read: anyone). BUT, for females, Dubai can be a little scitzophrenic: on any given day, a woman might be allowed to dress a certain way by the authorities. On another, or even by a different person on the same day, she might be arrested for it.

Donald asks…

Is it advisable to live in Dubai and work in Sharjah ? Is the traffic bad in the opposite direction too ??

I've been living in Dubai for a few months now, and love the place ! don't wanna move to Sharjah as far as possible. How much time do you think it'll take for my travel from Dubai to Sharjah in the morn, and back in the eve ?
Also, are the buses reliable between the two emirates...or should I try for one of those carlifts ??

admin answers:

I know a couple of people who do exactly that. Most people actually live in Sharjah and work in Dubai so you will probably be going against traffic.

Charles asks…

Where can I buy a bed bug killer in UAE. I live in Dubai but willing to travel in diff. emirates.thanks.?

admin answers:

You cant do anything really.

The pest control will do all their tricks and pest control measures like chemical sprays, powders, etc... To the point that they will ask you to stay away from the place for about 6 to 10 hrs. And after a couple of days... It's the the same.... You have the bed bugs crawling at your place.

The best way that will really work is to bring all those usual infested items like sofa, chairs, bedfoam, wooden or steel bed frame and other wooden items outside or in the rooftop and be exposed under the sun.

Spray wont do anything. Catch one bug and let it swim in a cup of Baygon or Raid and the bug will just swin out....Spray it and it will keep on crawling.

There's a lot of article in the net about prevention but getting rid of it - I am yet to find a good one.

Goodluck !

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