Sunday, January 8, 2012

Questions About Dubai Travel Fair

Robert asks…

Ticket fair ( Riyadh-Dubai-Riyadh)?

how many Saudi Riyal need to pay the round trip ticket from riyadh-dubai-riyadh? which documents want to produce @ the time of ticket issue & while travelling need the original Visa Copy? Possible to produce the copy of Visa is enough?

admin answers:

Wellit all depends on season. If you go from sharjah book online on air arabia or flynas air. The return fair can be anything from 500 to 800 drihams. No documentationneeded for issuing the ticket online.

Saudi visa is must and no need to carry original visa sicne the visa would have already been stamped on the passport.

Be prepared for a loong wait riyadh airport around 2 to 3 hours as it is mandatory to do finger printing airport and also you will be coming acroos not so well mannered staff at any saudi airport.

I m frequent flyer to saudi and for any futher detaisl u can contact me on 050 5592107- faisal

Joseph asks…

Mabouh and Dubai - the importance of Hamas?

For the last few days, Mahmoud Al Mabouh has taken over the front page from Sh Mohammed bin Rashid. This shows the importance of Hamas in the Middle Eastern struggle.

Also, there are conflicting reports that he either travelled under a different name or his same name. We all know that Dubai is fair and square in its foreign policy. However, there is no news about Dubai questioning the Palestinian authorities about the multiple passports held by Mabouh. If someone has multiple passports issued by the same country, then one of them is original and the others are fake.

So, Mabouh should also be investigated for fake passports. What say ?
Front page of Gulf News

admin answers:

Dear Mahesh,
Perhaps you seem to be less aware that for dubai police, it is important to reach to the killers and bring them to justice, as “Assassination is a violation of international law and of the laws of almost every country” and this matter threatens to become an international incident both for the massive fraud involving use of foreign passports, and the abuse of hospitality of UAE. As the noose tightens around the Bibi as the culprit, it is clear that Israel is now beyond the point when it can use the conventional tools of war or assassination to harm its enemies. The world is beginning to indicate it will no longer allow Israel to get away with these crimes. I believe that Israel will have to pay a price for these idiocies.
As part of the investigation two Palestinians were also arrested in Dubai, suspected of aiding the assassination team. The basic objective of such investigation team would be to reach to the killer’s and bring them to justice rather than deviating from the subject and going into depth of passport of the deceased.
Dubai Police managed to crack the case in less than 24 hours, i salute of Dubai Police for yet another great achievement. I would like to see Dubai take out Interpol warrants for these Israeli murderers.

Linda asks…

How easy it is to get a US Visit Visa for an Indian (muslim) family based in Dubai?

We are a small family of three (DH, I and a toddler) and would like to visit my sister and her family in the US. We have previously been to a couple of places in Europe, Thailand and Mauritius, but this is our first visit to the US. I was denied a visit visa when I was single and living in India at the time. they said I did not show enough documentation to ensure i would leave. Fair enough.
Now we are based in Dubai and would like to know what are our chances. Oh, we are also muslim. We are a moderate family, I dont cover myself, we dont look overly Muslim but we are practising Muslims but look like regular people and dress in regular everyday attire. We are both college grads and speak very good, unaccented English.
We love to travel, have every intention to return to our fabulous life and career in Dubai and would just like to know how hard it would be this time around. What can we submit to make our case stronger? Any documents or papers that would help our case?
We were also denied a visit visa to paris in the week of Sept 11 before our daughter was born, it was a bit saddening because we wanted to visit the city of love, mean no harm to anyone and dont want to run away or end up on another country's charity so cant understand on what basis these countries make such decisions. Any inputs would greatly help! thanks in advance.

admin answers:

You'll never know if you don't apply
it's not difficult for anyone!

Mary asks…

Airbus vs. Boeing: Who's winning the "war"?

I'm from Manila. According to the flights to/from Manila, most airlines prefer using the A320s to the B737s on short haul flights, say Manila to Beijing. While on long haul routes, say Manila to Dubai, they prefer using the 747s, 767s, & 777s (I think they use the ERs here). That being said, do you think that when it comes to short routes the A320s fair better against the B737s (i.e., travel time is under 4 hours)? Do you also think most airlines prefer using the B747s, 767s, & 777s than the A330s & A340s on long haul routes (travel time of more than 6 hours)?

According to the flight schedules here, the A320s far outnumber B737s on short routes while B747s & B777s slightly outnumber the A340s & A330s when it comes to destinations such as Los Angeles, Abu Dhabi, & Vancouver? What do you think?

Short flights=A320s>B737s
Long flights=B747/767s/777s>A330s/A340s

Airbus vs. Boeing: I wonder who's winning?

admin answers:

Airbus is like the tower of babel. They'll have to learn to get along if they want to survive, much less "win".

A little off the point, but I find it amusing that Airbus' fuselages are ferried from plant to plant on a Boeing.

Susan asks…

How long should I leave for an international connecting flight?

I am travelling to Perth from Manchester in June next year and am looking at different flight options. I've found one that seems ok.. other than the connecting flight back.
On my way there, the connecting flight is from Dubai and it leaves me 3 hours between flights.. this seems to be a fair amount of time.
However, on my way back, the connecting flight is also from Dubai but leaves me 1 hour and a half!! This seems like a really short space of time to get the next plane..
I have never travelled internationally before with connecting flights, so am a little apprehensive and worried about it!
What do I have to do in the space between connecting flights? Have I got to collect my baggage and check in all over again? And what if I miss my connecting flight? What happens then?
Also I have heard about these ''illegal'' connecting times.. I have no idea what that is!
Please help!!

admin answers:

If you are traveling thru then you may have to go thru customs but you just check it in right there, but this is USA, i think they just have you go to your next plane and wait.

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