George asks…
OK for Americans to travel to Dubai?
I am a US citizen and while returning from Latin America the officer at Immigration asked me if I have traveled to the Middle East. My customs form obviously did not say Middle East, I am not a Muslim, have never been to the Middle East, my name is not Middle Eastern, and this was the first time anyone would think that I look Middle Eastern. When I said no, I cleared immigration without any more question.
Now, out of the blue on my way to Thailand I have an option to make a free stopover in Dubai on one of those Middle Eastern Airlines. The recent experience has set me wondering if doing some sightseeing in Dubai for a few days is a bad idea. I do not want to get on some kind of watch list or be harassed every time I come home.
I am not looking for a legal opinion (I think legally I can do it) but hoping to hear from Americans who have traveled to UAE and what their experience was at Immigration.
admin answers:
Also when I am not an American, I fequently travel to the USA. You as an American will be welcomed to the UAE and can obtain a visa up on arrival. I do not think that you will be put on any American watch list or being harrased. But then - from own experience I have to say, that customs at Atlanta Airport has the rudes customs staff I had/have to deal with from all Airports I am flying in.
It takes my American friend being married to an UAE National and holding an UAE passport hours to go through American customs and her data including her kids' are stored in the American system. She is an ordinary housewife coming from one of the safest countries, a country without any terror links.
Please do not get me wrong. Of course security checks have to be and are necessary, but most American custom staff is extremly unfriendly and rude.
Please do not let the American customs spoil your stay in Dubai. I hope you will enjoy sightseeing, shopping, Arabic cusine and a friendly service. Please visit Al Bastakia (Museum) and the Gold/Spice Souq.
Take care and enjoy.
David asks…
Can I get a job in Dubai or Mumbai ? I have experience in mutli-national firm.?
Experience : Executive Assistant , Travel business, Sales
Course attendent: Amdeus system, Thai traditional massage, Hair dresser, English for Business.
About me : plants lover esp orchid , fluency in English
admin answers:
Well seriously saying there is no use of applying in job oppertunity website u need to apply to each and every company
seprately and u can find all the well established companies in yahoo search try to get free zones web sites and apply online in there website
the one i can guide u is hamriya free zone sharjah airport free zone and rak free zone
if still u want to know more abt companies in uae can always contact me
Robert asks…
How long does it take to travel from Al Nahda in Sharjah to the Knowledge Village, Dubai on a weekday morning?
I need to reach there by 7 am sharp, for an exam. But since I have *never* traveled THAT early i don't know which roads might be congested at the hour. I need the shortest fastest route please! Anybody with experience traveling in that direction THAT early in the morning, please do help!
Thanks in advance!
Thanks Tin m: the route ur talking about is the Al Khail Road. I was wondering if anybody has experience traveling on Shk Zayed road that early.. would be better for me (psychologically) if i could take the straighter road :)
Anybody knows abt the rush on the dubai sharjah highway at 5:30-6? is there a traffic jam that early?
admin answers:
Do you have any relatives or very close friends in dubai , where you woould sleep over night? That is might be the best solution to rich on time to ur pointed place.
Ruth asks…
Traveling to Dubai. Can a car svc be arranged to pick me up & take me through customs?
I'm visiting a new friend in Dubai. He's having a car service meet me once I get off the plane and take me through customs. Said it will hurry the process. Then the car service will take me to meet him. Is it possible to arrange this? Has anyone had this experience? I'd like to know what to expect.
admin answers:
Please check it in
Sharon asks…
Any one had a worst experience at Dubai Airport with immigration?
I was travelling from India to Australia( I am an Indian Citizen and Australian resident) via Dubai as transit some time back.It was very unpleasant experience me with immigration.Immigration guys after seeing my passport taken me to some senior officer who started asking me unpolite private questions, he was asking me again and again wether I worked in UAE, I have never been to that country and it was the first time that too transit.He was checking my passport again and again as if I am one of the most wanted peson in the world.After repeated queries the officer asked me to continue my journey. As I have returned to the officer who has directed to her superior , she asked " So are you staying in Dubai tonight back" ?? . I said no, I am continuing my jurney as per my scheduled and your senior does not have any problem with me now. Then I was allowed to proceed further. It was a horrible experience without any fault of mine.I would never like to have an experience like this ever again?? Did any one faced such a situation?
admin answers:
I can under stand your feeling that was not good but you may have noticed in news that some of the big murders took place here and lateron it was found that involved were having fake passport------on the hand you are not alone there are several other people those who has simmilar names to the criminal go through such situation ,but at last you won and they let you go,one thing you must remember it will always happen to you when ever you will travel to dubai as your name or passport details are in suspicious immigration list ,you will be free at last but the process will take place ------------cheers
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