Saturday, December 31, 2011

Questions About Dubai Travel News

Nancy asks…

is dubai a arms paradise is it safe to travel through dubai?

heard news that dubai plane detained by india for smuggling armery and ammunition is it safe to transit through dubai pls help is it a terrist state/ funding terrist is there dress code any oter restrictions apply

admin answers:

Dubai, in fact the whole of the U.A.E. Is one of the safest places on the earth.

You're talking about the UAE military aircraft that was detained in India because they had not declared the arms on board. That had nothing to do with smuggling, I believe. That issue is therefore totally irrelevant to the security of the UAE.

Dress code in the UAE, most clothes are acceptable unless they are vulgar. Obviously no bikinis or supershort shorts on public roads. No outward obvious affectionate behaviour in public.. Ie no hand-holding, no kissing, hugging etc.

Respect yourself and everyone will respect you.

Daniel asks…

Is it safe for romanians to travel to Rome Italy?

Hi everyone,

I am 24 year old romanian that lives in Dubai and planned a holiday to Italy in march; however i understand from news sites that there is a "war" between Romanians and Italians and that i could be attacked if it is found that i am actually romanian. My boyfriend and i are really keen to visit Rome and Firenze and Volterra , but are now fearing not be be jumped by the italian masked gang... what do you think? is it really that bad??? should i cancel my travel?
Thank you all for being so helpful, with your comments and suggestions. Honestly i was really concerned when I’ve decided to post this question on the web, but not anymore. I pretty much lived all my life outside Romania and don't really know what to expect when i categorize myself as a Romanian, I traveled Europe and never had problems, experiencing racism and all; however never been to Italy so didn’t know how is it there... i am really looking forward to my holiday now. Thank you so much once again!!!!!!

admin answers:

There are many Romanians in Rome and unfortunately not all of them behave so good. I'm afraid that Romanian medias manipulated the situation, simply spreading the news "Italians are racist" though the problems that some Romanians create are real. But it doesn't concern you nor other tourists.
If you behave as a civilizated person everybody will be kind and helpful and nobody will "categorize" you. Like everyone and everywhere.

Robert asks…

Can i swap my passport with dubai police?

Hii.. My Name Is Hussain Shakir and i was caught last month with a fake parking card. This card was given to me by a salesman who came to me saying that he was person working in Dubai Rta and he used to provide all this services on documentation.
On his trust I gave him a money and asked him to make a parking card for me. I was using this card for 6 months when suddenly police called me near my car and asked me if this card was duplicate.
I told them the the same but they did not believe. Now they have my passport and then i dint know what to do..
I am a business man and i keep traveling for work and family. I am stuck in this place and then there are no news from the police also.
Please help what should i do..

admin answers:

If it matters that much to you, then yes you can.

Chris asks…

What could possibly be more perfect?

My fellow Americans it is with great sadness that I stand before you today to announce the Sale of the State of California to Dubai. I know that many of you, especially those of you living in California, will be disheartened by this news. Tough times require tough measures and the burden of carrying California’s negative equity position on the books was simply too great. The bottom line is we could no longer afford California.

The good news is that with the cash we will be receiving from the sale of California and the removal of the negative equity position we will be able to purchase Mexico outright and finance a long term positive equity position (a loan) to purchase Canada (except for certain parts of Quebec which nobody wanted anyway). Mexico it was felt has a long term potential for future capital growth enhancing the overall equity position, abundant natural resources (OIL) and a cheap supply of now legal labor. The funds allocated to construct the “wall” between Mexico and the US will be used to construct a “green barrier” between “New Dubai” (California) and bordering states. In addition to the “wall” Crocodiles will be introduced into the Colorado River System to prevent illegal immigration from New Dubai (California) into the US. US oil companies will retain their off shore oil leases off California and the Department of Defense will retain their defense installations and provide security in a new agreement with the Prime Minister Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum (aka Sheikh Mohammed). The detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (pronounced Kooba) will be relocated to new facilities at Universal Studios. A 150 mile “free trade zone” will extend bilaterally between the US and New Dubai. Standard travel rules and restrictions will apply (passport and not currently on the Terrorist Watch List, TWL).

The Canadian republic will be restored and the current provinces will keep their current boundaries except the names will be changed so that mid-western Americans can pronounce them (not that they care).

All in all we feel these changes are for the best. Thank you my fellow Americans.

I don't hate California, did I mention anything about political differences?
California's book value has lost almost 25% in the last two years alone. The have an inefficient government that has the largest deficit spending of any state. The Feds will likely have to bail them out.

admin answers:

I read your thesis and find it to have fine merit,

George asks…

Sharia Law strikes again?

You should know the laws of where you are traveling, but this is insane. There is a reason I'm not just non-religious, but anti-religion.

admin answers:

It seems to me that sharia law actually encourages rape since men are almost never held accountable, but a woman who reports she was raped might be charged with a crime and be imprisoned, whipped, or even stoned to death.

What a sick, perverted system sharia law is.

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