As the Libyan capital of Tripoli, for example. Tripoli is located in the northwestern region of Libya is providing good quality restaurants and hotels for the tourists.
Tripoli lies on the edge of the desert region in the rocky mountain peak overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. In this place offered the sensation of an exotic country that witnessed the course of a civilization of the ancient empire to the present. Building world-class museums and Italian architecture also decorate it the largest city in Libya.
From the city of Tripoli, you can also visit the Byzantine oppulent two residential areas, namely Leptis Magna and Villa Sileen. Both are the largest cities of ancient times. At Leptis Magna, you will also fall in love with the historic heritage of the Roman Empire in the form of building a well-preserved ruins.
There is also Nalut, an old town perched on top of Jebel Nafusa with fairytale architecture Berber (North African peoples in the west of the Nile). Also, the site is famous for spectacular theater in Sabratha a once famous shrine Az.
Other locations are stunning lake area Waw al-Namus in the central Sahara desert. This area is surrounded by black volcanic sand.
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